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There are lots of different candles on the market that use different ingredients for their burn... So what makes each of them different?
Let's talk a little bit about soy wax. When we started Jackpot Candles, we set out to create a luxury candle experience that was not only pleasant to the senses, but also responsibly sustainable for our environment. We think soy wax is an amazing eco ingredient that takes your candle-burning experience to the next level.
As long as you are taking care of your candle, trimming the wick appropriately, and being sure to light it in a place free from drafts, soy wax is totally healthy and safe to burn in your house!
Jackpot Candles uses 100% soy wax in each of our candle creations, and for good reason! Soy wax is a renewable resource - it is derived from plants, biodegradable, and burns cleanly for a long-lasting, enjoyable experience.
Soy wax is derived from soybean oil. In a long, complicated process, soybeans are harvested and shelled, where they are eventually processed enough to be turned into dried flakes.
Once the soybeans are in their flake form, they are even further processed (through pressing or chemical methods) to remove all the oils from the flakes. The key to this process is hydrogenation - this chemical reaction changes the melting point of the soybean oil so it is solid at room temperature. This solidified oil is perfect for candles, and can be mixed with essential oils and other ingredients (like a surprise ring!) to create scented candles that fill your home with lovely aromas!
Be wary though, candles are occasionally marketed as "blended wax" which means they can use a mixture of other, less-environmentally friendly waxes.
Soy wax isn't the only type of candle available. Here are some of the other types of waxes that you might find:
1.) Paraffin Wax -paraffin wax used to be the most common type of wax for candle making. It is a byproduct of petroleum production, and is harvested by removing the waxy substance that is created when processing crude oil. It is not a renewable resource and has been found to release several types of pollutants into the air, as well as excessive soot. Avoid this type of wax if possible.
2.) Beeswax - wax made from bees is certainly a traditional way to make a candle (and potentially the oldest way). Although they make great, artisanal candles, harvesting the wax is labor intensive, and the natural color of the wax makes it difficult to alter color when it comes to dye.
3.) Coconut Wax- another naturally-occurring eco wax. Like soy wax, coconut wax is sustainably harvested and burns clean, often with a light-tinge of coconut (which is a great compliment to almost any candle scent). If you aren't buying a soy wax candle, coconut wax would make a great second choice.
4.) Gel - this isn't actually a wax... Although it looks pretty cool! Gel "wax" is actually a compound made of polymer resin and mineral oil. Although this is an interesting look (you can suspend things in the gel), it's less-safe of a burn (it burns very hot) and its chemical structure limits the amount of fragrances that can be used.
While coconut wax candles and beeswax candles are relatively safe in comparison to soy wax, it's paraffin wax that you should actually be looking out for.
Like we mentioned above, paraffin wax is made of crude oil, which is a non-renewable resource. There is a reason you might find this wax for a cheap price - studies have shown that burning paraffin wax can result in carcinogenic chemicals being released into the air, as well as an excessive amount of soot. Beyond that, the production of paraffin wax is destructive to the environment.
Beware of this cheap ingredient. Keep you and your family as safe and happy as possible when burning a candle by choosing an eco ingredient like soy wax.
Jackpot Candles is committed to bringing you the highest quality ingredients for each and everyone one of our products. Ourcommitment to using 100% soy wax is integral to our mission statement of bringing safe, fragrant, luxury jewelry candle experiences to each and every one of our customers.
There is a surprise inside every one of our 100% soy wax creations! Our candles and bath bombs all come with a hidden, jewelry surprise. Each surprise will be valued anywhere from $15 to $5000!
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